Trapped Between the Justice Dept.,the Mob and
a Notorious Union Brings Intrigue, Violence and Murder
bruce n. ball
When Wall Street whiz Parker Quinn seeks a quieter career, he is inadvertently caught up in the machinations of the mob, the FBI, and a labor union led by an egomaniacal dictator.
Quinn’s life is upended when he takes on a job working with the union’s pension fund. His position close to the money makes him a target for many players in a twisted, violent game. The union boss, Renato Costa, rules his organization like a king. The federal prosecutor, Kevin Norris, will sacrifice everything to pursue a vendetta. Soon Quinn and his new girlfriend are fighting for their lives amid warring organizations.
Bruce Ball spent thirty years as an investment manager. He handled the pension funds of major labor unions, which resulted in contact with associations, the mob, and even the FBI.
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