The Might of the State: How to Write Good Government Stings
Photo by Markus Winkler Quinn's Dilemma by Bruce N. Ball is a suspenseful mystery thriller book with government stings. Its pages and gritty depiction of government operations against criminal enterprises will have readers wanting--but not really--to turn the pages,...

Mystery Thriller Books with Government Stings: Why Dig In?
Photo by Edward Eyer Given how mystery thriller books have been quite popular ever since way back, this gripping genre continues to glimmer in vogue. Every book enthusiast and lover still seems to be enticed by digging into reading mystery and thriller fiction...

Labor-Focused Novels: What Should Be Discussed
The labor union of writers showed their freedom to protest. | Photo by Genie Music "Reading is an exercise in empathy; an exercise in walking in someone else’s shoes for a while."– Malorie Blackman Books have always been a gateway to a thousand journeys. Reading them...